
Teen Behavior Agreement

In order to participate on an Earthwatch project, teen participants and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are required to read and agree to this Agreement by signing the Liability Release, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement section of your Earthwatch Participation Form.


Participant Terms and Conditions   Participant Code of Conduct   Groups Terms and Conditions


While on an Earthwatch project, the following actions and activities are necessary to establish a collaborative and inclusive group dynamic:

  1. Participate positively in all research activities, data collection, educational events and recreational activities unless directly excused by the Teen team Facilitator(s) and field staff.
  2. Other respectful attitude towards fellow participants, staff members and Teen Team Facilitator(s), including appropriate language and body language, and refrain from discourteous or offensive behavior be it verbal, physical or visual, which may include profane words/gestures, inappropriate or offensive jokes, and disrespectful statements. 
  3. Conduct oneself in a way that maintains the safety, health, and well-being of others, by not making choices that endanger oneself or others.
  4. Foster inclusive relationships that accept the difference of others regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religion, race or disability.
  5. Respect other team member’ private space by not entering another participant’s room without consent of the other participant and the Teen team Facilitator(s).
  6. Follow all site policies and group agreements established in regards to the use of electronic devices including cell phones, internet, handheld videogames, and/or MP3 devices.
  7. Respect site policies and group agreements established at the beginning of the project such as “lights out” time, “out of bounds” and “off limits” locations.
  8. Always offer a respectful attitude towards the local culture paying special attention to instructions from field staff regarding behavior, dress, attitude, language and public and personal property.

While on an Earthwatch project, the following actions and activities are strictly prohibited and cause for immediate dismissal from the team:

  1. Possession, use, and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and/or illegal drugs, which includes the use and/or sharing of prescription medications
  2. Driving at any time, including any and all vehicles such as mopeds, motorcycles, cars, and trucks
  3. Intimate and/or sexual relationships

The following disciplinary actions may be taken for participants who violate this Agreement:

  1. Meeting with project staff on how to improve behavior
  2. Parents contacted
  3. Increased supervision while onsite and in the field
  4. Personal responsibility for the cost of repairs of any damaged equipment or property as well as any other possible fees and/or fines
  5. Dismissal from the project.
Please Note:

If a participant is dismissed from the project for disciplinary reasons, all additional expenses incurred, including expenses due to changes in travel plans, are the participant’s responsibility. No refunds for the project will be offered. While project and Earthwatch staff will attempt to provide supervision to a dismissed participant, staff ability to do so may be limited and the dismissed participant may be un-chaperoned for part of, or all of, their homeward journey. Dismissal from a project will jeopardize the participant’s participation in future projects.

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