
Earthwatch Podcast Trailer:

With over 50 research expeditions around the world, we have countless stories to share.

From Earthwatch, the environmental nonprofit connecting citizens with scientists, comes the Earthwatch Podcast. This season, we delve into the human conflict in conservation. From the coastal marshes of Texas to the seagrass meadows of Southeast Alaska and beyond, follow us as we explore the conservation efforts underway to protect endangered species and ecosystems. (The music in this trailer is “Partly Sage” by Blue Dot Sessions, provided under the Attribution-Noncommercial License.)


Earthwatch depends on donations—above and beyond what we raise from volunteers who participate on our expeditions—in order to deliver our global conservation mission. In fact, volunteer contributions provide only half of the total resources Earthwatch needs to sustain over 40 field research expeditions, a wide variety of educational programs, corporate sustainability trainings, and more each year.
