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Nuevas protecciones para las ballenas jorobadas en Costa Rica
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Of Brownies, Bears, and Birthdays

Earthwatch CEO Scott Kania traveled to Big Sky Country to participate in the expedition Climate Change, Huckleberries, and Grizzly Bears in Montana…

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Scientific Research: A ‘Labor of Love’

For over a year, my fight against climate change existed only in the digital sphere -- an approach that proved to be mentally exhausting — so my inner voice told me to get my ey…

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From Boston to Playa Grande, Costa Rica—A Mission to Conserve the Eastern Pacific Leatherback

Laura’s passion for sea turtle conservation brought her from Earthwatch headquarters in Boston to Costa Rica, where she now works as field manager for The Leatherback Trust.

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How Two Weeks in Belize (Honestly) Changed my Life

In July 2013, Ryan participated on the expedition Shark Conservation in Belize as part of the Earthwatch Ignite Fellowship Program.

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On the Path to Becoming a Female STEM Role Model in Acadia

This summer, through a sponsorship with Spring Power & Gas, high schooler Sophia Ludtke traveled to Maine to take part on the Earthwatch expedition Climate Change: Sea to T…

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Hiking, Song Birds, and Finding a Path to Environmentalism through Earthwatch

Judith Santano traveled to Wyoming in 2013 as part of Earthwatch's student scholarship program, Ignite…

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Citizen Science, Trees, and the Quest for Urban Resiliency

Between 2012 and 2015, nearly 9,000 trees in Cambridge, Massachusetts were measured and monitored by both researchers and citizen scientists.

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Drought, Meadows, and Climate Change in California’s Sierra Nevada

Betsy Harbert is a field team leader on the Earthwatch expedition Restoring Meadows in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and river science project manager at the South Yuba River Citi…

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From Passion to Action: A Teen’s Experience in Little Cayman

In July 2016, 17-year-old Jake Schenthal joined the Earthwatch teen expedition: Helping Endangered Corals in the Cayman Islands.

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