Earthwatch Scientist, MSc. Maikel Cañizares Morera

MSc. Maikel Cañizares Morera

Maikel is the former President of the Cuban Zoological Society and expert ornithologist at the Ornithology Lab of the Cuban Institute of Ecology and Systematics. He has over 20 years of experience working on the conservation and management of birds in Cuba. As former Director of Lomas de Banao Ecological Reserve, Maikel understands this area like no one else. Throughout his research, he has studied parrot ecology and behavior, pioneering efforts to use artificial nest boxes to aid the recovery of parrot populations across Cuba. In addition, he has led dozens of ornithological expeditions and over 20 courses on bird conservation and bird watching, guiding protected area technicians, rangers, and campesinos throughout Cuba since 2002. For the last decade, he has participated in migratory bird monitoring efforts in Guanacabibes National Park. Organizer of the BirdsCaribbean 2017 meeting in Cuba, Maikel is a local referent for bird conservation in the country.

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